How to remove Microsoft Bing from chrome

How to remove Microsoft Bing from chrome

Bing history

Bing is a famous search engine in the world. is part of Microsoft Software Company. Bill Gate is a founder of Microsoft Bing web search engine. Every month 1 billion peoples use Microsoft Bing to search his query. Microsoft Bing rank on 5th position in list of search engines. Mean Microsoft Bing 5th most popular search engine in the word. Before few years was most popular search engine in the world. But at this time Google is most popular search engine in the world. Google rank on 1st position in list of search engines.

Some people think that Bing is owned by Google. But no, Microsoft Bing is owned by Microsoft corporation. Bing and Google results have almost same. Bing and Google performance have same. But some people think Google is better than others search engines. Mostly United States people use Microsoft Bing To search query. Microsoft Bing search engine was launched in June 3, 2009. Microsoft Bing has completed 12 year successfully. Microsoft Bing earn money through advertisement. Peoples give him own ads and Microsoft Bing run his on different websites and earn money.

How to remove Bing from chrome

 How to remove Microsoft Bing from chrome”. If you don’t like Microsoft Bing and you want to remove Bing web search engine from Google chrome you are on correct page. Today I will solve your this problem. In simple steps you can remove Bing from Google web search engine. Just follow my steps to complete this work. I will tell you easy method to remove Bing from Google Chrome. So now, let start it.


How to delete Bing from chrome

Follow these steps to remove Bing from Chrome web search engine.

Step 1

·      ·       Open your chrome browser and click on three dots on the corner. 

How to remove Microsoft Bing from chrome
how to delete bing from chrome


Step 2

·      ·       Now Click on settings



How to remove Microsoft Bing from chrome

Step 3

·      ·       Then click on search Engine. Such type interface will show.

How to delete Bing from chrome

 Step 4

·      ·       Now click on Manage search engine. And then press on three dots,


How to delete Bing from chrome
how to remove bing from google chrome

Step 5

·      ·       Then click on remove from List and go on back.


how to get rid of bing on chrome

 Step 6

·      ·       Then select third option open a specific page or set of pages.

how to get rid of bing on chrome
how to remove bing from google chrome

 Step 7

·      ·       Than restart chrome browser.

how to remove bing from chrome

 Step 8

·      ·       Again click on three dots>>Settings>>search engine.

how to remove bing from chrome
how to delete bing from chrome

 Step 9

·      ·       Then click on Advanced and scroll down curse at last.

remove bing from chrome
how to get rid of bing on chrome

 Step 10

·      ·       Then click on Restore settings.

remove bing from chrome

 Step 11

·      ·       Then select rest settings.


How to remove Microsoft Bing from chrome
how to remove bing from chrome

·      So, finally your Microsoft Bing browser has removed from Google.


Google History

Google is rank on 1st position in the list of web browser. Google is a most favourite search engine in the world. Mostly internet user use browser to search query. Google has 88 billion active users. Every month 88 billion page views are come on Google browser. Google is one of most website which has 88 billion page views in one month. No any one websites achieve this record. This record just have only Google.

Old name of Google was Backrub. Google was founded in September 4, 1998 in California United States. Google Global Rank in 1st position. 80% people use Google web browser to search query. Google provide instant result when we search on Google.



I hope your problem “How to remove Microsoft Bing from chrome” have solved. You can follow these simple steps and you can remove Bing from chrome. Any query if you have write in comment . I will try to solve your problem.

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